Do you ever have those moments where you feel you’ve lost yourself? You don’t know who you’ve become. You don’t know how you got to where you are. You have honestly no idea about life.
One of those moments happened tonight. I walked into my mom’s bathroom and remembered one of my favorite photos taken there. I remembered my old life that doesn’t exist anymore. I remembered this happy, carefree person who finally found her way after being so overweight.
It hurt. More than I could ever put into words.
I despise being this overweight. I don’t know myself anymore. Yes, this body has been through more than most will experience in their lifetime. To me though that’s just making it worse. It’s like we forgive you for being a disgusting human because you’ve had a rough life.
I am on a journey trying to find this smile again. If it happens being overweight than so be it. But, I am going to desperately try to gain my strength and mobility back.